Saturday, April 04, 2009

You can be the Captain and I will draw the Chart

The bad news first; a mother in Quebec killed her two children this week. For once it doesn't appear that a custody battle was raging. A mother in Toronto killed her 18 month old son last week. Custody battle.
The good news is that i have decided that if she wants to litigate, let her litigate. Until then everything significant remains the same. The judge said "it's a good offer, I should take it, litigating isn't in the best interests of the children" So why would she want to go there?
At the least I've won time.
The experienced one downtown in La Villa Stangiato foreshadowed trouble ahead in choosing this path but alas... Every sole a battlefield.
Plus c'est change, plus c'est le mem chose.
Glad I'm not an Oak. Balanced I will be.

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